Seth Godin’s Blog on marketing, tribes and respect
Artificial intelligence and the future of school
Artificial intelligence (A.I. is the English acronym) is a feature of some software that simulates human thinking processes; in practice, we could define it as a computer system for content creation.
At present, there are already some apps (actually, very expensive) on the web that easily create images or texts based on instructions. For example, if you ask to create a color image with an eighteenth-century king in a yellow toilet, the system returns you just such an image! Leggi tutto “Artificial intelligence and the future of school”
Teachers can’t thrive in a vacuum | The Sun-Sentinel
WEBB — When I arrived at the West Tallahatchie School District for orientation four years ago, I felt I had found my purpose in life.
School dress codes aren’t fair to everyone federal study finds
Eramsus award for innovation in kindergarten
About museum teaching
Restorative practices create belonging and trust for teachers as well as students
Tecnologie trasformative
Senza il “principio” equilibratore del rapporto col docente, le tecnologie servono a ben poco. Ma sarebbe assurdo negare che le tecnologie rappresentino un’opportunità per fare cose straordinarie. Leggi tutto “Tecnologie trasformative”
Festival of Learning 2022
Sempre interessante il Festival of Learning di Apple EDU!
Creatività in classe
Tutti intuiamo che la creatività è importante, ma spesso ne abbiano un’idea molto personale e imprecisa.
Come tutte le idee astratte, anche la creatività è un concetto non così scontato da definire e descrivere. Per creatività, noi intendiamo la capacità di risolvere un problema in modo originale e personale. Leggi tutto “Creatività in classe”